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Cutting edge technology and precision is a must in today's marketplace. NLC has specifically developed a document tracking system, based off the needs of our clients, to eliminate common but costly errors in the business.

Here at NLC, we believe in the old adage "time is money." Our My Closing Tracker system provides our clients with real time updates as to package status. Once an order is sent to our server, it is automatically uploaded into My Closing Tracker. All data pertaining to the individual file will able to be viewed and verified by your company at anytime, searchable by client name, file number, address, loan number, or date scheduled. Additionally, you are also able to generate reports from My Closing Tracker for your company. The system will also generate an electronic invoice once the signing is complete and send an email notification confirming the closing. No wasted time calling to verify information or status on individual loans, just the security of knowing you have all the answers at the click of a button.

If ever you do feel the need for some old fashioned comfort, just pick up the phone. NLC knows that sometimes there is nothing more reassuring than a live voice. That is why our directors are available to you all hours including evenings, weekends and holidays. We offer complete round the clock support to all of our clients, online or over the phone. Day or night, if you're working, we're working for you!

Disclaimer: Services not provided in Massachusetts where notary closings are prohibited